Accident Prevention & Analysis

For all we do to make it easier to deal with accidents, keeping them from happening is still the best option. Our Safety Training program is designed to do just that. We look at your drivers individually to identify those who may be high risk, and provide a customized training program to meet their specific needs. The result is reduced accidents and liability exposure, as well as a lower potential for negligent entrustment claims.


Easy-to-use, easy-to-administer online driver safety training

Positive reinforcement of safe driving practices

Trigger based training to ensure training is assigned at the appropriate intervals

Easy-to-access online training for a variety of learning styles



A part of our Safety Training and Driver History Profiling services, you only pay for this service on a per claim basis
Centralized data storage for better implementation of practices and policies
24-hour First Notice of Loss with options to collect customizable information for business continuity
Unbiased third party determination if the accident was preventable or non-preventable
Nationwide repair network which will provide extensive coverage, efficient turnaround time, and quality repairs
Experienced and aggressive subrogation in pursuit of adverse third parties