Fuel Monitering

Accurate reporting is key to managing fuel expenses. Stee fleet Fuel Management program can provide a fuel management convenience. It allows you to monitor fuel expenses and reduce costs, giving you control over everything—from preventing unauthorized purchases, to spending limits and tracking non-fuel purchases, to limiting or restricting certain fuel types (such as Super or diesel).

Most importantly, Total View allows easy access to fuel transactions along with reports to reduce administrative time and help determine the fuel efficiency and usage for every driver in your fleet.


At Stee Fleet we take extreme pride in the dedication and commitment of our fleet management experts.  That’s what makes it so easy for us to alleviate the burdens of day to day fleet administration. Supported by the brightest minds in fleet management, best-in class practices, and outstanding client service, you can rest assure that your fleet is being professionally managed and that your drivers have everything they need.