Pyrogen Aerosal

Pyrogen EXA Stand-Alone Kit
  A complete pre-engineered fire suppression kit – autonomous detection and operation
(Protection of Electrical Cabinets & Enclosures; small to medium Engine & Machinery Spaces; enclosed Machinery & Structural Compartments)

System Description

Pyrogen Stand-Alone Kit is a complete fire suppression system specifically designed as a low cost and simple solution to a difficult task of protecting electrical and other small to medium electrical/industrial/marine enclosures from ravages of fire.

Pyrogen Stand-Alone Kit consists of a Pyrogen EXA extinguishing module and an autonomous thermal detection and activation device TAD, which detects fire at a rated temperature and activates Pyrogen EXA module. 

TAD requires no external power supply or battery. 

Pyrogen Stand-Alone Kit features the following unique characteristics:

• rapid system discharge – instantaneous extinguishing action, low agent consumption, minimum fire damage;

• non-pressurised self-contained extinguishing modules;

• no liquids, no gases, no pressure gauges, no leakage, no modules weighting;

• ambient operation temperature range up to 95°C;

• resistance to vibration, high humidity, corrosive and salty atmospheres;

• easy installation;

• minimal maintenance (only electrical monitoring for an electrical system where installed)

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